Batre Batrei Batere Battery Xiaomi Xiomi Mi A2 MiA2 Mi6x BN36 ORI 100% Harga Rp. 95.000

12:23 AM

#Batre #Batrei #Batere #Battery #Xiaomi #Xiomi #MiA2 #Mi6x #BN36 #100 Batre Batrei Batere Battery Xiaomi Xiomi Mi A2 MiA2 Mi6x BN36 ORI 100% batteries plus, batteries, batteries plus bulbs, batteries plus locations, batteries and bulbs, batrei oppo blp641, batteries plus near me, batrei sony tidak kedetek, batteries unlimited, bateria, batteries are us, batteries plus bulbs website

KUALITAS NEW ORIGINAL 100% Xiaomi Mi A2 - MiA2 - Mi 6x - Mi6x BN36

- Voltage : 3.85V
- Battery Capacity : 3010mAh 11.5Wh
- Charging Limited Voltage : 4.35V
- Battery Type : Lithium Polymer
- Packing plastik (Candy Pack)

NB: Garansi 1 minggu sejak barang sampai, sebelum dikirim barang kami cek terlebih dahulu sehingga barang dijamin tanpa Cacat/Rusak.

Harga : Rp. 95.000

Beli Sekarang

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