Tempered Glass Full Cover Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus, Note 5 Anti Gores Kaca Harga Rp. 39.000

9:31 PM

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Tempered Glass Full Cover Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus, Note 5 Anti Gores Kaca

Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5


TEMPERED GLASS adalah teknologi terbaru untuk screen protector / anti gores / pelindung layar. Dengan menggunakan tempered glass HP Anda dapat terhindar dari berbagai macam resiko kerusakan (pecah, baret, dsb). screen protector ini tahan baret, tahan api, meskipun di baret pakai pisau / carter atau terkena bara api rokok sekalipun juga.

Tempered glass ini Full Cover ini melindungi layar anda full...sehingga tdk ada tersisa dilayar anda.

Product description :
1. Anti-scratch - the surface hardness can reach 9H andcan avoid scratches caused by the friction between the screen and hard objects. We have tested the product against scratches from knife, screwdriver and other sharp objects.

2. Screen protection - if you accidently dropped your phone (within reasonable amount of force and damage), only the screen protector will be damaged and your phone's screen will stay protected.

3. Anti-fingerprint - The phone's screen will always stay smooth and new. No residual fingerprints or oil stains. Simply clean the screen protector with a gentle wipe.

4. Easy to install - Self-adsorbed installation without air bubble. All you need to do is put the screen protector on a cleaned phone screen, and let it do its job.

- 9H Surface hardness
- No Scratches / Anti Scracthes
- Crystal Clear HD (Whole Transparency)
- Delicate Touch
- Oleophobic coating

Harga : Rp. 39.000

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