Xiaomi Redmi 5+/ Redmi 5 plus Black Matte Case Doff Soft silikon Harga Rp. 3.500

12:14 AM

#Xiaomi #Redmi #Redmi #plus #Black #Matte #Case #Doff #Soft #silikon Xiaomi Redmi 5+/ Redmi 5 plus Black Matte Case Doff Soft silikon redmine, redmi 6, redmi, redmi 6a, redmi 6 pro, redmi note 5 pro, redmi y2, redmi 5, redmine login, redmi note 6 pro, redmi 5a, redmi note 5

Black Matte Case Doff Soft silikon

BLACK Matte yang doff membuat handphone terlihat semakin MEWAH.
Karena bahan yang lembut dan dop tidak meningalkan bekas sidik jari pada case.
Nyaman di genggam karena material yang sangat presisi sehingga handphone tetap tipis.

No komplain, no retur krn brg sebelum dikirim sdh dcek dan di pack dgn BUBBLE
Membeli = setuju


Harga : Rp. 3.500

Cek Diskon

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keywords: redmine, redmi 6, redmi, redmi 6a, redmi 6 pro, redmi note 5 pro, redmi y2, redmi 5, redmine login, redmi note 6 pro, redmi 5a, redmi note 5 5+/- acres with fixer upper home, 5+/- acres with fixer upper cabin, 5+/0, 5+/5, 5+/14, 5+/ 54, 5+/-5 degrees celsius

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