Lcd touchscreen xiaomi mi A2 mi 6X original lcd xiaomi mi a2 mi 6x - Putih Harga Rp. 420.000

7:41 PM

#touchscreen #xiaomi #original #xiaomi #Putih Lcd touchscreen xiaomi mi A2 mi 6X original lcd xiaomi mi a2 mi 6x - Putih touchscreen, touchscreen monitor, touchscreen laptops, touch screen not working, touchscreen chromebook, touchscreen not working windows 10, touchscreen gloves, touch screen laptop, touchscreen computers, touchscreen games, touchscreen calibration, touch screen settings

lcd touchscreen xiaomi redmi mi A2/6x original
bergaransi 1 minggu setelah barang di terima .
*tidak pecah
*plastik/segel tidak rusak(sobek)
*tidak kena lem/cairan tinta/air
*flexible tidak sobek(putus)

spareparts yang kami kirim dijamin 99%aman
sebelum dikirim kami telah melakukan test fisik pada barang, supaya aman dikirim/aman,nyaman buat dipake

Harga : Rp. 420.000

Beli Sekarang

Tags : lcd, lcdr beamsley, lcd calculator, lcd soundsystem, lcdc, lcdcomps, lcdc y exchange, lcd display, lcdr, lcdc texas, lcd medicare, lcd screen

keywords: touchscreen, touchscreen monitor, touchscreen laptops, touch screen not working, touchscreen chromebook, touchscreen not working windows 10, touchscreen gloves, touch screen laptop, touchscreen computers, touchscreen games, touchscreen calibration, touch screen settings xiaomi, xiaomi stock, xiaomi mi a2, xiaomi india, xiaomi mi 8, xiaomi scooter, xiaomishu, xiaomi phones, xiaomi china, xiaomi black shark, xiaomi redmi note 5, xiaomi poco phone f1

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