Calandiva Shell Tempered Glass Case for Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 5.99 Inch - Hitam Harga Rp. 69.900

5:07 PM

#Calandiva #Shell #Tempered #Glass #Case #Xiaomi #Redmi #Plus #599 #Inch #Hitam Calandiva Shell Tempered Glass Case for Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 5.99 Inch - Hitam shell shockers, shellshock, shell, shell credit card, shellshock io, shell shockers io, shell account online, shellshock live, shell federal credit union, shell credit card login, shell fcu, shellpoint mortgage servicing

Untuk Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 5.99 Inch, BUKAN Redmi 5 5.7 Inch

Tidak Termasuk Tempered Glass ( TG )
Design Fit dan Stylish, Kualitas produk premium Grade A
Mudah dipasang, tahan terhadap benturan ringan
Motif Kerang, Bahan : Kombinasi dalaman Silicone dan Polycarbonate plastik dengan luaran Tempered glass
Warna : Hitam = Black

Produk tampil dan bisa diorder = Produk Ready Stock, TIDAK PERLU DIKONFIRMASI.

Jadwal Operational Admin ( Chat ) : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB ( Senin - Sabtu )

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Order diterima : Senin-Minggu ( Setiap Hari )

Harga : Rp. 69.900

Cek Promo

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