Terbaru 011 Memory HP MMC Micro SD TOSHIBA 64GB Harga Rp. 25.000

12:46 AM

#Terbaru #Toshiba #Mct4 #Memory #Handphone #Micro #Toshiba Terbaru Mmc Toshiba 4Gb Mct4 Memory Handphone Micro Sd Toshiba 4 Gb Terbaru, Toshiba, Memory, Handphone, Micro, Toshiba

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- Micro SDHC
- Class 10
- Read Speed: Up to 24MB/s
- Write Speed: Up to 7MB/s

produck KW/Tidak Real Kapasitas.
(Mau yg real kapasitas beli yg asli...!!!)

no return
no complain
G SETUJU Jgn order


Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda, selamat berbelanja semoga hari Anda menyenangkan

Harga : Rp. 25.000

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