XIAOMI MI 6X - MI A2 4/64GB BLACK HITAM RED MERAH BLUE BIRU - Emas Harga Rp. 2.790.000

2:14 AM

#XIAOMI #464GB #BLACK #HITAM #MERAH #BLUE #BIRU #Emas XIAOMI MI 6X - MI A2 4/64GB BLACK HITAM RED MERAH BLUE BIRU - Emas microsoft, minecraft, michaels, microsoft 365, microsoft office, microsoft 365 login, microsoft word, milwaukee brewers, midwayusa, milconnect, michigan lottery, miniclip

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'' Garansi: 1 Tahun Distributor
'' Warna: Black
'' Processor: Qualcomm SDM660 Snapdragon 660
'' Ram: 4GB
'' Internal: 64GB
'' Untuk Xiaomi - Rom Global, 4G dan Playstore Aman 100%

Silahkan Chat lewat fitur Chat Toko ata WA 085101629977

Harga : Rp. 2.790.000

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