#casing #handphone #Smartcover #Asus #Fonepad #FE170CG casing handphone Smartcover Ume Asus Fonepad 7 FE170CG casing, handphone, Smartcover, Fonepad, FE170CG
Softshell = dudukan berupa silikon berkualitas bukan hardcase sehingga tidak membuat baret dan melindungi bazel keseluruhan
Thin paste together design, without increasingthe weight of the left and right clamshell design, save and convenient, perfect to protect your love smartphone is not injured. Button hole precise set aside to protect your love machine at the same
time, but also to ensure the quality of your operating fine workmanship, inpeccable meet the extreme requiprement to detail. Smart View for good looking.
Description :
Strong adhesive surface
Full protection
Easy installation
Polyurethane leather with TPU Inside
Premium design
Product original mempunyai kualitas softshell anti jamur dan dibuat dari material tinggi sehingga tahan lama.
Harga : Rp. 110.000

#casing #handphone #IPAD #IPAD #SMARTCOVER #EASYBEAR casing, handphone, SMARTCOVER, EASYBEAR ...
Harga : Rp 135.000

#casing #handphone #Smartcover #Asus #Fonepad #FE171CG casing, handphone, Smartcover, Fonepad, FE171CG ...
Harga : Rp 105.000

#casing #handphone #Smartcover #Asus #Fonepad #FE170CG casing, handphone, Smartcover, Fonepad, FE170CG ...
Harga : Rp 110.000
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