Mocolo Full 2.5 D Xiaomi Mi A2 Mi 6X Tempered Glass Screen Guard - Hitam Harga Rp. 79.000

1:20 AM

#Mocolo #Full #Xiaomi #Tempered #Glass #Screen #Guard #Hitam Mocolo Full 2.5 D Xiaomi Mi A2 Mi 6X Tempered Glass Screen Guard - Hitam fullbeauty, full moon, fullerton college, full house, full sail university, fuller house, fullerton, full movies, full metal jacket, fullmetal alchemist, full moon 2018, fullscript

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Salah satu Premium Tempered Glass yang kualitasnya ga usah di ragukan.. cekidot fitur fiturnya neh..

- Made from Japan Asahi Glass, use NIPPA Glue.
- Super HD 99% Transparency
- Explotion Proof & Shatterproof, tidak berserakan kalau pecah.
- Super Scratch Resistance, 9H hardness, nilai tersebut kekerasannya 1 level di bawah berlian
- Super Thin Thickness, cuma 0.33 mm masgan
- 2.5D Round Edge, halus pinggirannya engga kaku karena agak melengkung, megangnya juga enak nih.
- Anti Fingerprint & Anti Oil, semi semi jadi kadang masih tertinggal sidik jari / minyak.
- Automatic Bonding, otomatis nempel sama permukaan layarjadi engga ribet buat masangnya..

Isi kemasannya nih masgan,
1 Pcs MOCOLO Tempered Premium Glass
1 Pcs Cleaning Cloth
1 Pcs Wet Wipes
4 Pcs Reinstall Stickers, stiker untuk memasang, lihat video

Harga : Rp. 79.000

Beli Sekarang

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keywords: fullbeauty, full moon, fullerton college, full house, full sail university, fuller house, fullerton, full movies, full metal jacket, fullmetal alchemist, full moon 2018, fullscript 2.5 as a fraction, 2.5, 2.5 gpa, 2.5mm to inches, 2.5 cm to inches, 2.5 inches to mm, 2.5d, 2.5 squared, 2.5 million, 2.5 meters into feet, 2.5x2.5, 2.5 ssd

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